Wednesday 15 February 2012

WALA using interesting adjectives in our writing

Meanest Pirate

by Kenn Nesbitt

The meanest old pirate to sail the seas,
was a pirate named "Dangerous Dan."
Old Dan had an eye-patch to cover his eye,
and a hook where he once had a hand.

But that was before he had been introduced
to the pirate they called "Loathsome Lance,"
who proudly wore patches on both of his eyes,
and had hooks upon both of his hands.

But neither of them was a fraction as mean
as the pirate dubbed "Perilous Pete."
For Pete wore an eye-patch that covered his head
and had hooks on his hands and his feet!

Copyright © 2004 Kenn Nesbitt

All Rights Reserved


This is our poem for the week. We have been thinking about how we can make our writing sound more exciting to our readers. We are getting ideas from other writers. What interesting adjectives can you find in this pirate poem?


  1. Wow Star Sixes, I have been looking at your blog and it looks like you have started the year off filled with motivating, engaging learning! I know that Mrs Wills and Mrs Allemann have been working hard to make your learning lots of fun!
    I look forward to reading more!
    From Mrs Gunn

    1. Thanks very much Mrs Gunn, we love your positive feedback!
