Thursday, 30 August 2012

Giant Weta information

Watch this utube clip to learn more about a type of weta called the "Giant weta".
We had a weta at school this week and it inspired us to find out some information about the weta.
Quick Facts
• The weta is only found in New Zealand and is so old it has outlived the dinosaurs.

• Weta are large by insect standards. Some of the giant weta are enormous and are amongst the heaviest insects in the world

• The weta is sometimes called the dinosaur of the insect world

• The weta is more primitive than the tuatara. The weta has changed very little in the past 100 million years.

• Weta have their ears on their front knees and can feel the vibrations of noises around them.

• You can tell a male and female weta apart because females have a long ovipositor, which looks a bit like a stinger, which they use to lay eggs.

WALA Athletics with Cameron

We have been lucky to have Cameron (an athletics expert) come to school and work with us to show us how to improve our techniques in Athletics. This week we have been practicing running over hurdles, using a scissor kick in high jump, perfecting our long distance throwing using a Nerf vortex and a discus. It has been great fun and we are enjoying his sessions with us.

Monday, 27 August 2012

We are finding numbers everywhere!

The Karaka reading group have been reading a story called "Mathematical Monday" which was about some children who found numbers all around their classroom and in the playground. We then decided that we would take a look at all the numbers we could find around our room and school. We found many eg 6 legs on an ant, 31 days on the calendar in August etc. We then decided to make a hopskotch for the Juniors to use using chalk and the numbers 1-8. Today we discovered Ani and Kiwa using the hopskotch! Ka pai Ani and Kiwa we hope you enjoy numbers as much as we do in the STARSixes.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Dinosaur Dig in room 6 by Alana C, Mekaela and Lucia

This is Mekaela's and Alana's little piece of writing.
Today on the 21st of August Mekaela AlanaC and Lucia did a dinosaur dig.We used a brush and a scraper to dig for the bones.
Posted by Mekaela

Today us Girls Mekaela,Alana C and Lucia did some fossil digging for a dinosaur bone. We are not so sure what we are digging up today but we are being fossil experts.
Posted by Alana C

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Our digi award entries are almost finished. Want to take a peek?

Our aim was to make an eye catching poster using "Publisher" about our last Inquiry unit on Dinosaurs. Our succes criteria was to;
-Use good colours
-Use a creative commons image (copyright approved)
-Have an important message
-Have a title
-Include a border
We would love your feedback so that we can make any adjustments!

WALT make an eye catching poster. We have been busy creating posters for the digi awards using publisher.

These posters were made by Sam and Leo and AlanaC and Mekaela.