Thursday, 22 November 2012

WALA what happens on a Marae free online photo editor, fun photo effects fun and easy photo editing Today we used a cooperative strategy called "Silent jigsaw". We worked in groups to reassemble a cut up picture of what happens on a Marae. We couldnt talk but we could use hand signals and demonstrations to communicate our ideas. We really had to use the key competency 'Managing self' in order to quickly complete our jigsaw on time. When we had finished we had to talk about what was happening in our picture. It was lots of fun and our teacher loved the silence!!

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Camerons budgies

Cameron bought his budgies Ocean and Lord to school. We wrote about them and made some observational drawings of budgies. We were able to get right up close to the birds and looked at their different feathers. We could see the warm down feathers, the long flight feathers and the coloured contour feathers.Thanks Cameron, and his kind Mum Stephanie.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Making bird feeders

It was such a fun afternoon making the different bird feeders. We were all involved in designing, preparing the bird feeders, helping one another and finally placing them in the trees. We have followed our plans, made some products and are now ready to test the bird feeders to see if they work! Come and have a look at what we have designed and made.

Making bird feeders

We have had lots of fun making some different bird feeders to try and attract birds to our school. Today we chose which bird feeder we wanted to make and using the things that we had bought from home we set about making our bird feeders. We are going to to see which type of bird feeder is popular with the birds and we are going to watch to see how many birds visit, how often and at what times throughout the day.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

We have been learning about how to make bird pudding so that we can attract birds to our school.

We were so lucky to have Beth's lovely Mum (Rachel)come to school and help us to make Bread pudding. We are making this so that we can attract birds to our school. We want to observe them and to also give them some food during winter when food is hard to find for birds. We have used this experience to write some recounts and procedural writing about how to make our own bread pudding at home!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

WALA How we can attract native birds to our school

Erin showed us this cool utube clip about the Bird of Paradise (Western Parotia). We have been learning about how birds have special structures to help them survive. The Bird of Paradise makes a spectacular display with its feathers to try and attract a mate. We also thought the pattern on the feathers might scare away predators. What do you think?

Monday, 3 September 2012

Mekaela's Dad's medal from the Commomwealth games 1990.

My dad Nigel is very special because he won a bronze medal from the Commomwealth games in
1990. It was won in Auckland New Zealand. I'm very proud of my dad because he has won this medal. He won it for Boxing. By Mekaela.